Friday, 16 November 2012

Making Innovation Easier by Retraining Your Brain

Expert Author Valencia Ray, MD
Innovation has become more respected as a concept within the scope of business. "Business as usual" is no longer supporting competitive advantage. We are now looking for ways to change the status quo. This is quite a change from the recent past-at least on the surface. We say we want innovation but our behavior does not align with this. The "way we think" changes very slowly, historically. The tendency is to reject what does not fit into our current worldview of "the way things are." So, unwittingly, we continue to re-create the same behaviors that typically dominate our daily lives, including "business as usual." Why is this?
The bottom line is that we do not understand how to most effectively operate our magnificent mind and brain, and hence we keep reproducing suboptimal results. We get stuck. You see, behavior, products, and delivery of services ultimately boil down to how we think-and feel. These times of change are causing us to deal with what we have for far too long avoided-our self. Our relationship with our self is of primary importance to everything we do. Also, when we reconnect with our values and align with our purpose, change is more likely to have the energy of joy and passion attached to it instead of fear due to lack of clarity. It's time to become better acquainted with our very self and start to develop our true potential from the inside out. Now this would be innovation.
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." ~ Leo Tolstoy
To do this would be truly visionary leadership and would foster deeper levels of innovative capacity. We need to change our brain and mind to do this by changing our thinking. In fact, this is no insignificant metaphor; this is scientifically based research. It has been demonstrated quite clearly that thinking, and thinking alone, changes the microscopic neuro-architecture of the brain (a.k.a., it changes the brain structurally). This statement is a bit misleading though, as feelings also play a very powerful role in wiring our brain. In fact, they're the glue that makes memory stick.
Research confirms that vividly imagining an activity can change the brain in the same ways that actually doing an activity can. This is effective enough to even treat illness, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression without medication. It can even raise your happiness set point. I really have experienced this happiness issue, considering what a pessimist I used to be years ago. I'll take happiness any day. I can also say that when we better understand how our brain either supports or sabotages our creativity, we can improve our ability to see new ideas and raise our performance. Olympic athletes have known this for a long time now. I even used it to develop my eye surgery skills a long time ago. It works amazingly well.
One way that I apply mental rehearsal (visualization)-and, by the way, I was doing this before the research substantiated it-is to quiet my busy mind, reflect, and ask questions in regard to the problem I need to solve. If we want new answers, we need to better acquaint ourselves with how our own brains operate. We need to ask new questions, expect new answers, and engage our brain with more self-awareness. We need to open our mind in order to expand the vision for our business and life. We don't need to understand complicated neuroanatomy; we just need to understand how to retrain our brain.
While I have formal training in neuroanatomy, I didn't need to use it when sharing with my employees how to change their thinking, because I had actually done it myself.Metaphor, examples, and anecdotes work best. It is not theory for me. I'm sure they were happy not to have to sit through a science lecture. A visionary leader is one who makes time to get clear about the "what" and "why," reflects on the "how," and then takes inspired action. If we just defer to our old ways of thinking and behaving when going about the "how," don't expect innovation. It is not rocket science.
Yet, until you make up your mind to muster up the courage to retrain your mind/brain-on purpose-don't expect to master the power of your brain to create innovative products, services, and inspire healthy organizational culture. An organization consists of individuals and is only as strong as its individuals. You will only reach your true potential and significantly improve organizational performance by learning new ways to think and feel about your business and life. This begins with improving brain awareness and by setting a heartfelt intention to do so.
After all, change is at the heart of innovation. What do you think? Can we retrain our brain to become more effective leaders? (Hint: it's too late to tell me we can't. Experience trumps theory.)
Valencia Ray, M.D. teaches business owners and corporate leaders how their amazing brain can actually hijack personal power -- not in the abstract, but in the context of integrating business and personal life. Dr. Ray, a board-certified eye surgeon and medical business owner for over 20 years before selling her practice, shares her own life changing process. By sharing her story, she helps others to expand their vision and learn that by living with purpose and confidence, it is possible to have a more integrated, healthier lifestyle - with less struggle, more inner peace and more abundance.
For more information and to contact her regarding dynamic, inspirational keynotes, trainings in collaborative leadership and team building, entrepreneurship and coaching programs, visit her website at

Right Innovation Techniques

Expert Author Tomas DonovanIn order for a business to implement a successful innovation strategy, the right innovation techniques must be utilized. Creating new innovation requires the blending of ideas to come up with something new altogether. It is necessary to initiate innovation when something is not working. An innovation key is needed to outline a strategy and to set goals. There are many different means to achieve goals. With an open innovation template, many people can pool their different ideas and get creative input. Using the right innovation techniques will allow a business to broaden its operation and it will secure a new way for the business to use that innovation strategy. In order to solve a problem within a company, it is necessary to assess what the problem is and then think of the appropriate way to solve the problem. That is where having the right innovation techniques comes into play.
Regardless of how bad the situation is, with the right plan it is possible to get out of that situation and successfully solve the problem. Failure can actually be turned into an opportunity for success. A failure is a chance for self improvement within the company. When a mistake is made, the cause of the mistake is assessed, and then a way to correct the mistake is thought of. By doing this, more is learned about he company's weakness, and the company can grow from these humbling experiences. For the company to succeed there must be innovation within the company. This is why innovative ideas for HR functions must be thought of. In order for the company to fully satisfy its customer base and allow the customer base to grow, then innovation must be brought to the HR. Using different, creative techniques will attract more customers and clientele. This will attract more employees as well. Applicants will have more interest in working for a company that regularly utilization innovation practices.
The right strategy is needed for even the most creative idea to succeed. Success is also possible if the plan is carried out correctly. By using the right innovation techniques from within the company, productivity will be raised much more. There is a lot that requires just the right innovation within a company. Being more creative in the techniques that a company utilizes will increase the chances for success. It is better to try different types of techniques instead of not changing strategies at all. HR departments need to be introduced to different types of techniques so the company ca do as well as it can. First, all of the facts, statistics and other data must be gathered. Then, by analyzing this data, the company will understand where they can stand to improve. It is important to not only listen to the customer but to listen to the employees as well. The employees are the driving force behind the company. If there is something the employees do not agree upon, then the company should heed the employees concern. In order for there to be true innovation within a company, new strategies should be used for both customers and employees.

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Why Do So Many College Research Projects Study Things We Already Know?

Expert Author Lance Winslow
Okay so, as someone who runs a think tank which happens to operate online, I spend much of my day pouring over the science news, research journals, and the latest in research and development. One thing that always concerns me and it's generally when I read a press release from some college or university which has a new paper which just came out, is that; they keep doing research projects on things that we already know as a society - things which are common sense, and that to me seems like a waste of money. Okay so let's talk shall we?
You see, I realize the colleges do research for things they can get funded, and things which are too complicated or areas of research which are not well understood often do not get the funding, perhaps because our politicians and decision-makers aren't necessarily the sharpest tacks. Further, I am a little bit dismayed that we aren't challenging our college students and grad students enough. We should have them working on the latest and greatest science, and looking to make breakthroughs. If they continually study and do research on things we already know about, that does not help the forward progression of mankind.
Sure, one could say it is a learning experience, and you have to learn how to do research before we let these newest grad students work on the important things. Whereas I understand this theory, and I also wish to make sure that we can trust the integrity of these working groups, I still think it's a waste of money. Why should I as a taxpayer be funding research projects which will only confirm something that has been pre-confirmed and duplicated hundreds of times before, if not thousands of times around the planet?
If we really care about innovation and the future, then we need to press on and challenge our research scientists. Not a day goes by where I don't read at least 10 articles from the science news which have totally wasted my time, told me things I already knew, much of which is common sense. That is a waste of digital space, a waste of my time, and we could be better utilizing this talent to go on to do great things. We are holding them back, and the human race in the process. There is no honor in that, and it is a waste of taxpayer's money in my humble opinion after observing this reality for over 30 years. Please consider all this and think on it.
Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Innovation in America. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

How to Prepare for the Ups and Downs In Business

By Lori A Manns
Expert Author Lori A MannsIn business there are sometimes inevitable ups and downs, peaks and valleys or high and lows. Whatever way you choose to describe it, you get the point. The people who are most successful in business learn how to minimize the ups and downs by making sure their business is braced for impact should tough times or failure of some sort eventually occur. Failure is something that many entrepreneurs are afraid of because it implies defeat. However, smarter entrepreneurs realize that failure is a recipe for success when used the right way. If you want to brace yourself for success and avoid ups and downs it's important to prepare. It is often said that hindsight is 20/20. So if that's true, what lessons can you learn from the storms that you have already endured in your business life. There is no business that exists without hard lessons learned in one area or the other. With that said, there are many ways you can brace yourself and your business for the ups and downs that are sure to come at some point or another. Check out my short list of 5 easy steps to prepare for the ups and downs in business.
1. Plan Ahead. Planning is the art of thinking about and forecasting the activities needed to achieve a desired goal. If your goal is to maintain a successful business you need a plan. You need a business plan. You need a marketing plan. Without taking time to consider important things such as your company mission, philosophy, customer service management system, marketing strategies, tactics and so much more... you will be forced to make it all up as you go along. Flying by the seat of your pants is a recipe for losing big in business. Plan how many units you will have to sell to reach your goals. Plan how many special sales you will offer. Plan everything. And when the plan isn't working, tweak it, start over and get a new plan.
2. Learn from past failures. When something goes wrong, don't over-analyze it. Don't sit back and play the "what if" game with yourself or your team. Agonizing over mistakes will only decrease morale and inhibit you from future success. When you make a mistake in business recover fast. Write down everything that went wrong and how it could have been avoided. Then put together a game plan for how you will fix the problems that occurred.
3. Review what's worked before. When something works, analyze it and figure out how it worked, why it worked and then duplicate it. Right down everything. What were the ingredients that helped you achieve a successful outcome? Be sure to capture the smallest detail to the largest. Create a recipe for success.
4. Avoid complacency. Many times when things go wrong we write it off as something that was meant to be. Or perhaps we convince ourselves that there was nothing we could have done differently or better. If you lose a contract or a client, make sure to learn why it happened. Perhaps that client left you because of price or because they did not get their needs met. Do a little homework, by asking what went wrong. Sometimes, we are more likely to share feedback if someone takes the time to genuinely ask us how our experience was. Learning from mistakes is the only way you can improve upon them.
5. Stay informed. Learning is powerful tool. Instead of waiting for things to go wrong or guessing about why something is not working, ask questions and stay informed. A very easy way to stay informed is to conduct a survey with your customers asking them the critical questions you may need answers to. You just might find out the regular event that you host doesn't hit the mark or maybe that product you thought everyone would buy is not in high demand. Most importantly, keep your eyes and ears open for trends in your industry and always be aware of what your competitors are doing. Staying informed will keep you ahead of the learning curve every time.
if you follow these easy steps, you're sure to avoid the average pitfalls and ups and downs in business. Most successful people achieve success by learning from their wins and losses while minimizing the ups and downs in business.
© 2012 Quality Media Consultant Group, LLC - All Rights Reserved
This article is written by  Lori A. Manns, CEO of Quality Media Consultant Group, your marketing and sales success mentor, and founder of Marketing For Trailblazers System;TM that shows you how to get more clients, more visibility and increase your income, guaranteed. To purchase consulting services on marketing, advertising or sales and, learn how to increase your revenue and grow your business; please visit

Think Strategy Before Tactics

Expert Author Joan Nowak
As a business owner, do you feel like you are fighting an uphill battle and losing ground? Doing lots of stuff but getting nowhere fast? Then it's time to put the brakes on and start working smarter.
We're all familiar with the saying, "Can't see the forest for the trees" and this is true for many small business owners. Engrossed in the details and daily operations, owners often ignore (or don't see) the big picture. Whether you are solving problems or developing your business, think strategy before tactics.
What's the difference? In simplest terms, strategy is a broad plan to achieve desired goals or results; typically longer-term or bigger picture. Tactics are the means, tasks or actions, to carry them out; it's what you implement or do.
According to Sun Tzu, author of The Art of War, "Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat". While true in military terms, it's equally true in business, especially when it comes to marketing. You have lots of 'tactical' choices but if they don't work together and support your strategy, you waste a lot of time and money.
So as you plan for next year, take the time to revisit your marketing strategy before you set up the tactics to get there. Don't get concerned, it's not complicated. A good marketing strategy simply requires two things - a narrow focus on your ideal customers and some way to differentiate your business. Here's how you can approach this.
Define YOUR Ideal Customers
You can't be all things to all people and most small businesses know this. They don't intend to try to serve everyone, but end up there over time. With a desire to grow, especially in tough economic times, it's easy to lose focus and view everyone as ideal. Unfortunately, more customers and sales does not guarantee more profit.
Even as they grow and evolve, most businesses have an ideal customer segment. To get a good sense of your ideal target, follow these steps:
  1. Make a list (10-20) of your most profitable customers or clients. These may or may not be customers with the highest sales.
  2. From that list, identify those who have referred business to you. You definitely want more of these!
  3. From the smaller list, identify common demographic characteristics. If you lack this information, do a little research or ask the customer.
  4. Next, take a look at their behaviors. How do they buy, what do they buy, why do they buy? What are the challenges they face? What's important to them? Not sure, ask.
  5. Draw a detailed sketch of your ideal client - and use it in your marketing!
Differentiate YOUR Business
This is not a new concept but one that many small businesses don't do. Making claims for great service or quality doesn't differentiate you - unless you back it up with something specific.
Differentiation helps you stand out from competition but also reduces your need to compete on price. If 'how much' is the first question your prospects ask, then you likely have a vanilla brand. Here's some questions you can use to get to the specifics you need to set your business apart from others.
  • What made you decide to hire us or choose us?
  • What's one thing we do better than others like us?
  • What's one thing we could do better?
  • Would you or do you refer us to others? If yes, why or what would you say?
If at any time, the customer responds with something bland like 'you provide great service', dig a little deeper to get specifics. Here's a few questions that may help:
  • What does good service look like?
  • Tell me a story or a time when we provided good service.
I've done this exercise with a lot of clients. Create a simple survey and start asking your customers relevant questions. It's not only helpful, but can be eye-opening. More important, it will help you uncover some specifics you can use to stand out - and isn't that the key to attracting more profitable customers?
With a strong knowledge and understanding about your ideal customers and what sets you apart, you now have the foundation for your marketing strategy. Choosing the right tactics to reach your target and creating compelling messages for them is now easier. Most important, your marketing will deliver better results - the kind that make a difference on the bottom line!
Joan Nowak is a Small Business Profit Builder, seasoned Business Coach, and creator of the Hybrid Coaching System for small businesses. For additional resources and ideas to grow your small business, visit While you are there, join her mailing list to get her monthly eNewsletter and receive a FREE copy of her eBook, Mastering the 7 Elements of Business Success.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Develop Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do the things you know you ought to do, without someone making you do them
In my experience as an academic and practitioner in entrepreneurship I have seen no human quality or characteristic that has as such an overwhelming impact on the success of entrepreneurs and millionaire as that of self-discipline.
If you want to be as successful entrepreneur and millionaire you must develop this habit of self-discipline because it is without doubt the single most important characteristic that you will ensure your success in all areas of your life.
There is no point in setting long-term or short-term goals if you're not going to have the self-control and self-discipline to tenaciously do what is required of you to bring them to fruition. If you have high self-discipline you will eventually achieve your long-term goals in all areas of your life.
Look around you at the failures in life and notice the difference between those are high levels of discipline and those who have very little or no discipline. People that fail simply do what losers do and the winners follow through and do what has to be done. Losers are not prepared to pay the price, even if they know what they are supposed to do, they still do not do it. Why? Because they simply do not have sufficient self-discipline to follow through on their commitments, to themselves and others.
Millionaires realise that they need to pay a price for success and consequently get into the habit of mastering themselves, directing themselves, and concerning themselves with achieving results. They do what it takes and don't allow tension relieving behaviour to take charge of them.
That does not mean that if you exercise high self-discipline that you have to sacrifice every pleasure in your life. You must just learn to play hard and work hard and to exercise good judgement in setting your priorities.
If you learn to have self-discipline you will find that your self-esteem and confidence also improves because you have more control on your business activities and private life.
One way to increasing your self-discipline is to have a fanatical focus on the goals you want to achieve and what you must do to achieve them. Identify those areas of your life which are stagnating due to inactivity and make a commitment today to develop self-discipline in those areas. Habits are developed by repeating a desired action or behaviour on a regular basis until it becomes embedded in your behavioural profile.
In the beginning it may take a lot of willpower to do what you have to do. But remember that self-discipline becomes easier the more exercises it.
You have the power to control your thoughts and direct them to do your bidding. Make an effort to improve your self-discipline by controlling yourself in the same way that you would suddenly change your behaviour if, while you were having a heated argument with a member of the family, the doorbell rang. You would then instantly be able to control yourself to save yourself embarrassment and simply because you desired to do so. Deliberately think the sort of thoughts that you desire and you will become a person of self-control.
Avoid procrastination at all costs and never delay until tomorrow what you can do today. It is a tremendous waste of energy and can lead to failure.
One sure way to develop self-discipline is to associate with those people who are self-disciplined and exhibit higher self-control. Like attracts like, surround yourself with the right kind of people and their positive attributes will be infectious.
Remember, you have the power with you. You're strong enough to demand the best of yourself. So make the critical decision now to take control of yourself and your own destiny by developing your self-control and self-discipline.
George Mhandu

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Thursday, 8 November 2012

Entrepreneurship vs Democracy: Is Democracy The Enemy Of Entrepreneurialism?

We all love democracy, right? It's the best way to organize a society, right? Everybody gets to vote?

Well, maybe. Let's take a closer look.

First of all, chances are you don't live in a democracy. If you live in the United States, you live in a participatory republic. This means you vote for people who make the rules. You don't make the rules yourself. But let's not split hairs.
How can democracy be in any way against people who want to build and thrive in private industry? After all, that's what entrepreneurs do, right? Think up stuff to make and sell to people? And isn't that the basis of all free market capitalism? People selling stuff to each other on the open market?
At first glance, it would seem that a democracy, or something close to it, is best for business to thrive. But is it really?
First of all, let's look at something called "time preference." This is the idea that people tend to postpone present satisfaction in exchange for future satisfaction. The lower your time preference, the more likely you are to put off pleasure now for more pleasure later. The higher your time preference, the more likely you'll just take the goods now and let the future bring whatever it's going to bring.
A low time preference is necessary for a robust capital structure. All capital comes from saved wealth. Companies can only grow bigger if they reinvest their profits. People can only start companies if they save their money. Both of these require a deferment of present pleasures in exchange for possible future pleasures.
As societies evolve, their collective time preference gets lower and lower. More and more, people plan for the future. This increases savings on both personal and business level. A self perpetuating cycle that creates more wealth and more goods.
But what about democracy? People imagine it's some system where people are left alone to pursue their interests. However, the powers that drive democracy are actually contrary to the powers that expand an economy.
How can that be?
First of all, who is in charge in a democracy? That's right, elected leaders. And how do leaders become elected? Right again. They promise things to the population. I'll give you this,if you vote for me. This is how all leaders obtain and retain their power.
Now, what kinds of things do they promise to the population? Think of them as promised goods. Are these promised goods more geared toward the present, or more geared toward the future? Considering that most public office terms are only for a few years, the goods have to be delivered relatively quickly, or else they won't get reelected.
So it's clear that politicians, or the elected leaders of a "free" democracy are promising short term goods in exchange for votes.
So on the one hand, you have society increasingly planning for the future by putting off consumption in exchange for a brighter future. And on the other hand, you've got politicians promising people goods right now, without concern for the future.
Business people, capitalists, and entrepreneurs are looking toward the future. Politicians are trying to get everybody to only think of the present. A tug of war.
Who will win?

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Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Essentials of Networking to your Start-up

The saying goes: It is not always what you know but who you know that leads to success. Who you know refers to the circle of contacts and relationships that you have built up around you.
A large part of your success and happiness in your career and in life will depend on the quality of these relationships that you have developed in your personal and business life. Businesses operate within a network of people. The process of starting and growing a business, to achieve wealth, involves interaction with others to supply and receive resources, advice, information and assistance.
Whether you want an online business, home business, Internet business or off-line business, if you want to get rich and make money, you are going to have to do it through other people. No venture can be successful without a certain amount of help from others.
That is why establishing effective networks are one of the most critical factors in becoming a millionaire and that is why successful people make a habit of building and maintaining a network of high-quality relationship throughout their lives, and as a result, they achieve a great deal more than those people that have a week circle of contacts.
The people around you have such a profound influence on your life that some people are even drawn into criminality or are so negatively influenced by the wrong people that they never succeed. Remember that you take on the attitudes, behaviours, values and beliefs of the people with whom you associate most of the time. You must make an effort to stay away from these negative, critic and complaining people. You must be critical and set a high standard when pulling people into your network.
It is incredibly important to develop your network continuously. Entrepreneurs aiming to achieve high growth do not develop contacts and networks in a vacuum that develop then according to their needs.
Entrepreneurs who want to start developing an effective network should understand two important principles.
Firstly, networks are built on reciprocity. This means that the relationship should be one of "give-and-take". Networks are built on friendship, good humour and shared interests and activities; the wider your interest is, the easier you will find it to network.
Secondly, networks need to be maintained constantly, and because they are not compulsory relationships, they are very hard to repair when broken by confrontation or neglect. So a proactive process of maintaining them will be required.
You can use the following steps to develop a network:
Step one: establish your business goals and establish what needs and what resources it will require to achieve these goals.
Step two: chart the current state of your networks and make a list of the names, addresses, telephone numbers and the nature of the links and all necessary information.
Step three: using the needs from step one chart your required networks, filling the gaps, and then set network goals to meet those needs.
Step four: start filling the gaps by extending current networks and by increasing your network diversity.
Step five: design a system for maintaining your networks and make sure your network register is always up-to-date.
With careful planning the following procedure can speed up the network development process;
· Identify people and organisations amongst existing connections, close to potential stockholders.
· Actively seek criticism, advice and suggestions from these people.
· Ask them for advice about further contracts that you can approach and get permission to use their name as an introduction.
· Ask them what preparation is necessary before speaking of the target contacts and then make adequate preparations before you see them.
· Tell your existing connections, later, how helpful they have been, thus cementing useful relationships.
· Repeat the steps for the new set of contacts.
Entrepreneurs and millionaires use their networks to gain access to sources and for a variety of support functions. So make a commitment to maintaining your contacts to the implementation of an effective networking system. This will be as good as saying: give me money!
By Tobias Mauro

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Plugging into the entrepreneurial ecosystem - Start up 1

First thing is the reason behind your decision to start a business. Some possibilities are as below:
• You are a graduate and are unable to find a suitable job for you in the industry.
• You do not want to work under someone else so want to start your own business.
• You are willing to make a career in business industry as an entrepreneur.
• You want to be your own boss (freedom of work)
There are many other possible reasons. You must know the reason of your decision so that you have a certain aim.
Second thing you need to know is how to take the start. If you are new to the industry, you may face some problems while doing the task. But if you are already working in the industry, things would be easier for you.
The thing you need to know is how to start with the task. Then, you will have to make a detailed step-by-step plan. As a starter, you will face several problems. Many things will be new for you. Since you do not have many contacts in the industry you will have to make some extra efforts to reach the people.
The possible difficulties you may face while starting a business are as below:
Finding a relevant Industry: This is the first step of starting a business and if you are not properly focused while choosing the industry, you may not get desired success in the business. You need to give some time to find the industry that is very much relevant to you and your interests.
How to Start: This is the second important thing. Suppose, you want to start a business in marketing industry, the question you will face is how to do that. For this, you have two options available. You can start a new business from scratch or can buy an existing business.
If you want to start a new business, you will have to arrange many things including finance, market for your product, audience, suppliers, employees, and a place to work, office supplies, and the most important the product that you will sell through your business. While if you choose to buy an existing business, you will get all these things along with the business, a ready-made product, an established market, customer, employees, suppliers, business plan, etc. So, choice is yours. Buying an existing business is the best option for a business start-up.

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Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Tips for Starting Up or Starting Over

Staring up or even starting over after some failure is very difficult.....or maybe?
Here are some tips courtesy of YESZIM

  • How does someone decide what business they should start?
There's a delicate balance to consider when choosing what to build a business around. First, it must be something you can sustainably put your full energy into, not just a casual interest that will quickly fizzle. However, the flip side is to be cautious if launching a business around your favorite hobby. If you love doing something and then you try to make money at it, it could become the thing that you dread. I'll share a story from my own experience. Many years ago, I loved scrapbooking. I was the one in the family who put all our photos into books. I loved reliving our trips and family memories as I put them in the book. I decided to start a direct sales business teaching the art of scrapbooking and selling supplies. It then became my work. What I used to enjoy turned into a task and I lost the very thing that brought me joy. I haven't created a new book since then.
  • What else should people consider when they're starting a new business?
My second tip is to "Have a plan". Starting a business without a good plan can end in your feet slipping out from under you. Michael Gerber, who wrote The e-Myth books, calls this the "entrepreneurial seizure". Starting a business with a great idea and a lot of passion may get you some short-term success, but it may not be sustainable. You have to have a vision of where you want to go, an idea of your business model, or your revenue streams, and a growth plan. Even if that plan evolves and expands over time, you need to have a starting point to build on. A good coach can help you create and stick to your plan. It's important to know if you are creating a job for yourself or building a business.
  • Is there anything they can do early on to make things go smoothly as their business grows?
It's a great idea to start documenting processes and keeping good records, early on. I've seen new businesses really take off and before they know it, they're too busy to go back and put systems in place to support the business. That's usually when they come to me to get things out of their head and put them down on paper. If you can do a bit that as you go, you won't have to play catch up 2 or 3 years in. Again, there is a balance. It's good to have some time in, so you get a good feel for your workflow and the processes that work. That makes the documenting go a little easier. At the very least, start keeping good financial books right from the beginning. Especially if you are in the type of business that could be financed. Investors will want to see your history.

Surround yourself with better people

It has come to my attention that people think that those who already have money are the ones who can also make it in life.This notion is both true and false. Its true in that they have seen it and got inspired and they now want to get better,,,,,,,The trick for any other average guy is to surround yourself with the right people who can help catapult you as well

Think about faces, voices, people that have inspired you, encouraged you, made you feel great about yourself and about your future. It could have been a family member. Maybe it was a key person from your school days or a past career. Maybe it was a random person with the right words on the right day.
Have you noticed that there are certain people who just seem to be on the "UP" escalator of life? For some reason, they don't buy into all the negative drama of the reality-show mindset or get caught up in media doom and gloom. They show you by the way they walk, talk and think that they both GIVE and EXPECT the very best that the world has to offer.
Now, match that vision up with the people that you spend the most time with today. Who are your top Skype contacts or Facebook friends? How many names inspire you on your cell phone contact list? Look, I'm not suggesting that you could or should fire your relatives or blow off that friend from sixth grade. What I AM suggesting is that maybe it's time to boost the number of positive influences in your life.
Many of my best friends and business associates have different political and religious views from mine, but they have one important trait in common. They spend the majority of their time with people who demand the best FOR and FROM themselves on a daily basis.
Flip that idea over for second. If someone you know was going through that same evaluation process, would they pick YOU? What message do you send by the way you carry yourself and interact with people you meet? Are you planting seeds of inspiration and encouragement that bring out the best in others?
There's nothing like a live event with positive people to get you fired up and moving forward. In addition to the lifetime networking value, the new distinctions you learn on the spot can add leverage and power to your daily activities in ways you never imagined.
As I greet each business day with my various business partners, I'm surrounded by people who elevate my thinking. They don't live that way because they're successful. They're successful because they live that way. You can start designing a world like that right now!
By Takawira Mandondo

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Monday, 5 November 2012

Eminem: Life Lessons for Entrepreneurs

While i have discovered that a lot of young men and women love hiphop music. Lets take some few lessons from one king of hiphop who has seen it all, done it all and ..........

Eminem. Slim Shady. Marshall Mathers III. Love him or hate him, no one can deny that he leaves an indelible impression, nor can one argue his staying power.
Sure, he is not the only kid to come from a poor and broken home, or to have changed school every few months, or to have flunked the 9th grade three times. There are plenty like him who don't make it; but, make no mistake, Eminem has earned everything he has, fair and square, and there are inspiring life lessons to be learned here, for every entrepreneur pursuing a dream.
When the Going Gets Tough, Eminem gets Going (and then some):
Eminem is a fighter. He has overcome struggles, both physically and mentally, when most would have collapsed from overwhelming exhaustion. He's taken on challenges hardly suitable for the faint hearted (battling the Goliath of hip-hop as a young, white male). He had little emotional support from his family (his father left him when he was 18 months old and was raised by his mother on welfare); the one positive influence in his early life, his uncle Ronnie, committed suicide in 1991. A few years before that, Eminem himself almost died after being beaten up by a bully in middle school, leaving him in a coma for ten days. Barely in his early 20s, Eminem has a daughter. To top it off, rap labels continue to reject him because of the color of his skin, regardless of his rap skills. The odds were stacked against him before he was even out of the gate. Juggling the responsibility of a father with a less than stable career choice, e.g. aspiring white rapper, is enough for any sane person to go crazy.
The fight, for Eminem, never really stops. Despite his stardom, he still struggles with internal and external demons. In 2006, his best friend Proof was killed. There was concern that the tough Eminem had finally reached his breaking point. He almost nearly did. Amidst deep depression, his best friend's death, and an elaborate cocktail of prescription pills, he collapsed from an overdose in 2007; he was later told that had he been found just two hours later, it would have been too late.
Eminem doesn't pretend to be Superman nor act as if it's been a smooth ride, and in that humble honesty, is yet another layer of his unique toughness. He has an uncanny ability to lift himself out of some of the most traumatic circumstances, even when his own inner voice is driving him to further self-destruction. This isn't trite, this takes serious guts. It's this "signature" Eminem drive that every Entrepreneur should heed.
He has always genuinely believed that "you can do anything you set your mind to.' If his life story isn't an endorsement of this in itself, I don't know what is.
Hard Work Does Pay Off:
14 years of hard work, to be exact, before he gets his first real break, signing with Interscope Records. Eminem discovered rap at the age of 11. At 14, he was performing amateur raps with a group called Bassmint Productions. He wrote rhymes every single day, read the dictionary (he had a deep affinity for language and this was his toolkit for the countless hip hop battles he took part in - look up some vintage video of Eminem vs MC Juice). He immersed himself in everything hip-hop: from studying the classics like LL, Dre and NWA, attending and competing in rap "battles," testing out flows and sounds until he found his own voice. He worked multiple minimum wage jobs to make ends meet, proceeds of which went into caring for his family and his dream. In 1996, he released his debut album Infinite, which only sold a handful of copies. No career break in sight, mounting drug abuse and relationship woes lead him to attempted suicide. But, again, that inner voice somehow kicked in at the eleventh hour. The next year he released Slim Shady EP, which would sell even fewer copies thanInfinite. Yet, another blow to his aspiring career. He just couldn't catch a break. But, he kept at it. He didn't settle.
Then, in 1997, his hard work paid off in a rather bizarre twist of fate: After a heart-wrenching defeat at the Rap Olympics (he came in in second place, again, to MC Juice), he left the premises in utter disgust, but not without first "throwing" a copy of his EP at a young kid who, unbeknownst to him, worked for Interscope Records. That day would change the rest of his life. 14 years of hard work had finally paid off.
Embrace Authenticity:
Eminem has a unique brand signature. His real-life, drama-stricken upbringing is the secret sauce he mixes into each of his songs, creating the ultimate loyalty card between him and his audience. Eminem's bouts of drug abuse, depression and suicidal tendencies remind us he's not a robot. He's human just like us, creating an uncannily relatable persona. He channeled his anger into a "unique value proposition." He keeps it fresh and outsmarts his competitors by remaining engaged with trends, new acts, and his fans. Eminem's brand is bold and authentic, yet, vulnerable. He's a very public figure, but there is still a mystery about him. You see him in interviews, he hardly breaks a smile and speaks in a rather sedated voice. His brand IP is carefully protected. How many Eminem commercials have you seen? Only one: the 2011 Chrysler Super Bowl ad, promoting Detroit: Perfect brand synergy. To date, very few brands can match Eminem's over 12 million followers on Twitter. The authentic Eminem brand has been in the mass market for over 15 years. He is 40. 
Hell has its Privileges:
Eminem has literally been to hell and back, but if he hadn't experienced that journey, it is highly unlikely that he would be the iconic figure he is today. If you're an entrepreneur, there's no doubt that you can relate to parts of Eminem's life experience. How are Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Andy Grove, and so many other inspiring entrepreneurs any different in their resolve? Life is not easy, and it shouldn't be sugar coated with gold stars. There are bullies, haters, manipulators and liars everywhere you turn. It's OK to get down, want to give up, and question it all. We should embrace these moments as a necessary and important rite of passage. The lesson here is that there is a way out to the other side, and it can yield amazing results, let alone build character. Everyone, kids and adults, need to be reminded of this. As you get older, kindergarten just turns into a bigger playground involving higher stakes: think lawsuits (a fight Eminem is not immune to), office politics, defamation, etc.
As an entrepreneur, you will hear plenty of naysayers telling you that you won't succeed, your product has no market, and you're wasting your time; it's just a matter of time before Google or Microsoft crush you; besides, who are you to push the boundaries of the establishment, which of course to most, is never a good thing.
If all of it becomes overwhelming, take a break and find a YouTube video on Em or read his lyrics. I guarantee you that it will jolt you back in the right direction. You'll again find that inner fighter.
You have a world to change. You don't know what work/life balance means. Just like Eminem, you practice your craft every day, relentlessly, and with discipline; you are not easily swayed by those around you and are driven by proving everyone wrong. Yes, indeed, this is the stuff of which inspiring leaders and legacies are born.
Here's to everyone who has a little bit of Eminem in them.

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Think Outside The Box

"If you want things to change then you have to change. If you want things to get better then you need to get better." ~ Jim Rohn
It sounds quite simple, but for most it's not because it means moving outside of your comfort zone. If things are not going in the direction that you hoped, then change directions. Don't keep going down the same path hoping things will get better. An excellent method for pushing forward in your network marketing is to learn from your mistakes, not just understand them, but learn from them.
Keep track of the areas that did not work for you and understand why they did not work. By evaluating your past failures, you can determine which approaches are effective and which may require further development. This will also break you from doing those things that did not work so you can move forward.
It's time to "Think Outside The Box."
Focus on finding new customers outside your social circle. Attracting new prospects will generate the income that you have always dreamed of. You achieve your goals by continuously attracting new prospects and leads. Stop limiting yourself to just friends and family, which will get you nowhere. Drawing in clients from the outside of your circle can open up many doors and more possibilities.

By George Mhandu

After striking gold.....INVEST tirelessly

"Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won't, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can't." -- Anonymous
This concept is appealing to most if not all #Entrepreneurs. That's why it's baffling that most Entrepreneurs never make it to the point of living the life of their dreams.
Fact: money is and will always be required to survive. Most people (Entrepreneurs included) work hard for money and spend that money on doodads and liabilities: things that will either sit somewhere without producing a return on the investment used to purchase it or worst; things that cost more money to maintain while siting somewhere without producing a return on the investment used to purchase it.
Wealthy people use the money that they work for to purchase assets: things that will generate a return on the investment used to purchase it. There by putting their money to work for them. They then use those returns to purchase doodads and liabilities.
Just ask yourself of all the things you purchased in your recent past what is the cumulative return you expect those things to produce? Certainly this is a rhetorical question however it's something worth thinking about.
Maybe you're a savvy investor. Maybe you're a fan of "The Richest Man in Babylon" (awesome book, read it), and you:
• donate 10% of your income (it's better to give than to receive)
• spend 10% of your income on education (the return on self-education is infinite if and only if that self-education is applied to produce in the marketplace)
• save 10% of your income
• invest 10% (1.91% 5 year return)
• blow 10% (it's a good health practice to let your hair down and have fun sometime)
• and live off of the last 50% of your income (food, clothing, shelter, bills etc.)
If so, congratulations, you are awesome! However you can still use some help from my friend, the rule of 72.
Investopedia defines the rule of 72 as a rule stating that in order to find the number of years required to double your money at a given interest rate, you divide the compound return into 72. The result is the approximate number of years that it will take for your investment to double.
Given that definition let's look at the money working for you in your savings account at an astounding 0.1% interest. 72/0.1 = 720. That's 720 years before your money doubles. You'd have to send your great, great, great, great, great, great x 15 Granddaughter by to pick up your check.
What about the money working for you in your high yield Large Cap mutual fund, highly recommended by CNN Money, at a staggering 1.91% (let's round it 2% to make the math easy) return rate. 72/2 = 36. That's 36 years before your money doubles. Let me tell you, a lot better than 720 years but still a long time when you considered wealthy people constantly put their money in vehicles that provide 10% or more of a return. 72/10 = 7.2. Here's the secret: having your money double every 7 years or less (investments with > 10% return) is how you live the rest of your life like most people can't.
Where can you find investments boasting of 10% or greater in returns you ask? All over. The two most popular sources: the stock market, and real estate. My favorite... Commercial Real Estate. Whatever your vehicle, talk to a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) to accurately gauge the risk. You've been enlightened. Invest wisely my friends.

Article Source:

Believe in Yourself Through and through

The Missing Piece to Become a Successful Woman Entrepreneur......................................

So many successful people share this - they experience so many failures, low self esteem and self doubt in themselves and in the path the chose to walk on.
So how do they deal with all these things, all the feelings, and how women entrepreneurs become successful in spite of all those difficulties? How do they go through the low self esteem, the doubts and become more certain and confident than ever before?
The missing piece is they change their perception on life and "failures." It's they way they choose to look at things.
They get to a point where they just decide to believe in themselves, their talents, and decide they have something incredible to contribute to the world.
From that point they begin to practice to believe in themselves more, they tell themselves they have wonderful gift to share with people that wait for them.
They practice to become people who play big, and see failure only as a way to develop and become better at their performance.
From the moment they decide to believe in themselves, and give their all heart to develop their talent and contribute their gift to the world, they don't allow anyone from their friends to share their "advice".
They refuse to listen to people who stay in their comfort zone and never took a risk for anything.
From the moment they choose to believe in themselves, from the moment they decide they worth of success they get the energy to act. They don't wait anymore to someone else to give them permission to act. They actually must act because they know the world needs the special gift they have, and no one else have it the way they do.
Every action make them feel more confident and raises the belief they have in themselves. This leads to more actions and therefore greater self esteem.
When you think about it, every person you know who is very successful in what they do, began as not so successful at the beginning.
They practice to get from the last row to the front row. They believed in themselves, in their talents, in their abilities, in their gifts and practiced them until they became really good at it.
What's your special gift to share with world?
Remember-The world needs you now, not when you are perfect.
There are people who wait for your talent to change their lives!
BY Evelyn Gadziwa

Article Source:

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Weekly Entrepreneur QUOTES week ending 1/11/12

Hello good people...........I think i am the most privileged right now to be able to send through these quotes to future millionaires and billionaires,.
This week our thrust is on ACTION!!!! "Even the simplest wars are won by ACTION"- #QuoteMe

We have added a few images to catch your sight a bit...

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my bankroll, my successes or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me or say about me, my circumstances, or my position. Attitude keeps me going or cripples my progress. It alone fuels my fire or assaults my hope. When my attitudes are right, there is no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me.” - Charles R. Swindoll

Photo: Advanced visualization technique trains you to jump into the life of your dreams - Join The 320,000 People Who’ve Already Experienced The Quantum Jumping Phenomenon - My friends Vic and Lisa Johnson are doing this crazy marketing test where they're giving away Napoleon Hill's "Think & Grow Rich." - I'm helping them with their big giveaway and wanted to make sure you got your PAPERBACK copy before they take this offer down. >>> Get the details here: My friends Vic and Lisa Johnson are doing this crazy marketing test where they're giving away Napoleon Hill's "Think & Grow Rich." - I'm helping them with their big giveaway and wanted to make sure you got your PAPERBACK copy before they take this offer down. >>> Get the details here:

“The road to success and the road to happiness are two lanes of the same highway. And the toll you must pay is simply being true to yourself.” -  Unknown

“Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.” - Jules Renard

"By thought, the thing you want is brought to you. By action, you receive it" - Wallace D Wattles

"Bring into play the almighty power within you, so that on the stage of life you can fulfill your high destined role." - Paramahansa Yogananda
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Till next week>>>.Lets TAKE ACTION!!!!

How to Choose a Niche Market?

Choosing a hot niche market according to your own experiences will give you more advantages as you already know the inner secrets to market your product or services. It is also very easy on your part to point out what are the benefits that your product or service can give to the hungry crowd. You need to be precise in your campaign. You can have one of the most visited sites all because you have carefully considered a certain chosen market niche.
The web has been cluttered with examples of niche markets. The key is to learn how to find markets in many avenues so that you will know what to consider as the most profitable option. ClickBank is one of the most popular sites where there is a constant and reliable update on hot niche markets.
Choosing a market niche among those that are already on the top 10 list is very commendable. But of course you can start with what you already have and go from there. Examples of a hot market niche that really generate the most traffic are those that are passionately advertised.
Search on topics that you are passionately looking to share with the public. Allow them to see your point of view. Convince the hungry crowd that the service or product you are affiliated with is worth checking. Find a hot niche market then promote your chosen niche and deliver it to the starving crowd.
It is also best to consider the crowd that you are trying to attract. Is it the teenagers or the homemakers that will give your market niche the most visits or even maybe the busy business crowd? Examples of niche markets include products, services or an individual personal audience.
So find your hot niche market among your sea of interests and develop that into a niche market that will blast your way to financial success. Claim your right to the abundance of cash that the universe has been storing for you!
Choose a hot niche and look within yourself and find that financial freedom. Are you ready for the millions? Are you ready to earn an extra income? The choice is yours.
Start now! Search for examples of hot niche's online and that will help you decide on what to offer in your own niche market. Find a hot niche that the hungry crowd cannot resist. Keep yourself updated.
Always trust the uniqueness of your voice that can call out the vast resources of the universe which can drive traffic to your niche. Choosing a niche market very carefully is a reflection of the millions you wish to attract.
By Richy Mangwiro

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