Monday, 3 December 2012

3 Major Business Blunders Women Make and How to Avoid Them

Expert Author Vanessa Simpkins

Do you suffer from go go go mode? Do you have a hard time relaxing and enjoying yourself just for the pure sake of enjoyment WITHOUT being productive?
Do you tend to feel a bit guilty saying "no" when honoring your own needs above others?
Do you tend to over analyze things, over think and procrastinate taking action, make goals and feel disappointed when despite your best efforts they don't materialize? You're not alone; many women unknowingly sabotage their success in despite their best efforts. Find out how you can avoid the most common mistakes women make so you can enjoy more wealth, freedom and success on your terms.
#1 What happened to ME time?
Let's face it as women we were made to multi task! The problem arises when we try and do too many things at once and end up spinning our wheels instead of actually taking profitable action in our business.
Then we tend to forget to take time for ourselves in all of this business building and wind up totally overwhelmed and exhausted. It's hard to be creative and sell yourself when you're depleted.
Solution: Create a solid plan and schedule "downtime" into the mix. When you come from your center of balance you naturally connect with your center of power to create and attract. Get into nature, go to the spa, take a long bath, get a pedicure, take a mini vacation, or do something just for you.
When you find your balance and recharge yourself you'll be better able to tackle what's on your plate, and you'll be happier while you do it.
#2 Is Your Subconscious Mind Sabotaging Your Best Efforts?
Did you know that by the age of 6 years old you've already got all of your subconscious programs?
That's right! Our subconscious mind is in control 95% of the time, that's why despite some of your very best efforts and decisions to make more money this year or lose the stubborn weight, you continually experience disappointing results.
Old programs of deservingness, self worth, confidence and self esteem are the gatekeepers to your success. What are your subconscious programs creating for you?
Solution: Stop wondering why others experience massive business breakthroughs while you continue to struggle. Learn how to take your power back, let go of the past and replace your old programs with ones that support your new found vision of success. Find out more about how to reprogram your subconscious mind with subliminal affirmations.
#3 Who's in the Drivers Seat?
The law of attraction doesn't work for people because they are not in control of their thoughts. Thought patterns lead to emotions, which vibrate out and attract back to us through the law of attraction.
Instead of feeling recurring guilt, anger, shame and frustration, commit yourself to sitting still and just "BEING" with yourself every day. A daily practice will bring new level of self awareness and liberate your creative energy so you can then direct it to accomplishing your goals and dreams.
Solution: Start a daily practice, like meditation, prayer, yoga, journaling, tai chi etc. Take time to go within everyday and connect with your higher power, receive guidance and most importantly learn how to take your power back and control and direct your stream of consciousness.
The more we enter the present moment with consciousness the greater the shifts happen around us, and that includes major shifts your business, because your business is just an extension of you.
Full Power to Your Success!
To find out more about Vanessa Simpkins, her workshops in Costa Rica, USA and Canada and to get your FREE audio "How to Sky Rocket Your Confidence & Cash Flow: 5 of the Biggest Money, Mindset and Power Leaks Entrepreneurs Make and How to Avoid Them" visit her website

Are You REALLY Ready to Grow Your Service-Based Business?

Expert Author Carrie Sharpshair
Are you constantly wishing your business would grow but you just can't find the magic fertilizer?
You know that as the chief everything officer you must juggle multiple roles. These roles typically break down into three categories: the entrepreneur (vision, brainstorming, new ideas, etc.); the technician (this is the "thing" you do - the service your provide); and the manager (the taskmaster). It's that third and often times elusive role that stumps new business owners the most. Let's face it, it's the least fun role of all.
But if you really stop and think about it you know deep down you can't do it all alone. You do know that, right? If you think you can (and that's totally cool), are you prepared to accept the consequences? Last I checked we each get the same 24 hours in a day, and at some point even the hardiest of us needs sleep every now and then! Being able to plan for and work with your resources is a great way to begin flexing that managerial muscle.
The next few articles will give you four specific steps to G-R-O-W your "crew" - this is your team of go-to people. Whether you are hiring employees, bringing on independent contractors, working with specific specialists, etc. being ready to bring them on is really important. Starting off on the right foot will help to ensure a great transition as well as a great outcome.
In this first article we're going to explore how to Get Clear (this is the G in G-R-O-W).
Getting clear is the valuable first step. If you aren't clear in your own mind what you need and why you need it, how can anyone help you grow? Here are three steps and action items you can take right now to help gain clarity on what you need right now:
Step 1: Identify What You Need
Action! Hurry - pick ONE thing you want to change in your business to help it grow. You got it? Write it down. Be very concrete here (X% more revenue, X# of new clients, X# of new visitors to your website, X% customer satisfaction rating, reduce your expenses by X%, keep working hours to X# per week, etc.).
Step 2: Outline Why It's Important
Action! Next - write down why it's important. Don't think too much about it. Just write it down.
Step 3: Determine Requirements
Action! Now - write down what your requirements are. Here's where you are combining what you both need and want. For example if you identified the need to establish a monthly newsletter to go out to your clients. In your requirements you might consider things like: how your customers will receive the newsletter, when it will go out, what content areas you want to include, what the look and feel should be, who is actually doing the work, etc.
Following these three simple steps will assist you in gaining clarity so that you can begin communicating with others what you need and why it's important. In the next segment we're going to look at what it takes to Realize Your Strengths and Limitations (the "R" in G-R-O-W).
Until then, enjoy a bit of clarity!
Are you a chief "everything" officer struggling to keep all the plates spinning and worried that details are falling through the cracks? How would you like to take the first steps towards planning and acting more strategically, so you can truly enjoy a smooth and profitable business? Visit for a FREE audio class and guidebook "Success Essentials for Chief Everything Officers". Discover the #1 strategy to fuel your motivation, learn the key to having your family and friends take you seriously, develop a healthy success mindset, and more!

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What's Keeping You From Starting Your Business

Expert Author Maria R. Garza

Starting a Business?
You've been thinking about starting your own business but you just can't seem to take the first step. It may be because you don't know or maybe you're afraid of something. It could be a little of both, fear and not knowing what to do. Starting a business isn't a one step process but it is easier than you think. You could already be doing it without really knowing it. You may have wanted to start a business making pies because your pies are the best. People around the office are always asking you to bake one for them because they just can't get enough. And you do, you bake several, collect your fees and continue working your 9-5. Knock, knock, you're already in business! Just concentrate on putting a plan in motion and take it one step at a time.
First though, I'd like to give you some friendly advice on starting your business:
Be prepared for rejection 
You will hear a lot of no's during your starting phase. There will be so-called friends trying to bring you down because there is a pie factory right down the street. Do not, I repeat Do not let this discourage you. Acknowledge their comments, step around them, and continue. Just remember to say hi from the top!
If you fall, get right back up 
There will be times where you will feel like the whole world is against you. Where you can't make a sale for the life of you but at this point it is KEY to continue plowing through. It only takes one small break to make it big. If you stop when you fall, you are limiting yourself to finding out what really lays ahead; what your potential truly is.
If someone is already doing it, do it better
Just because there's a pie factory down the street doesn't mean you can't start your own successful homemade pie business right next door; just do it better! Offer something unique, you're already baking homemade pies, I'm sure you can think of something.
Just do it! 
Yes, Nike said it first but it applies to all! What's keeping you from just doing it? Fear... fear is our own worst enemy. No, let me clarify; WE are our own worst enemy. We allow fear to take over and paralyze us to the point of no return. Why? Because we are constantly second guessing ourselves. We sabotage our own beliefs and start thinking that we just can't do it. Then we stop. Put those thoughts out of your mind and focus on just doing it! Some of the wealthiest men and women out there live by this rule and so should you! Now, what's stopping you?
So now on to what you need to do to start a business:
Clearly define your idea or product 
This is where a business plan comes. It doesn't have to be too elaborate or over 100 pages. It just has to be clear. Start off by defining your business name, objectives, and goals.
What will the name of your business be: Pie Bakers Inc.
What your business will do: Pie Bakers Inc. will bake homemade pies and desserts. We will only use organic ingredients to ensure the quality of our pies.
What will your business accomplish and when: Pie Bakers Inc. will produce 100 pies a week for the first year and increase by 5% each year.
How you will gain customers: Pie Bakers Inc. will go door to door seeking customers that do not have the time or energy to bake homemade pies.
Your business plan is a living document. You will need to change it as your business grows. This is where you will look to for help if you feel you're straying away from your original idea. It will also help you get the financial assistance you need from banking institutions because they will rely on your plan to help them decide how much to give you.
Business Structure 
By the time you have your business plan ready, you should have figured out your business structure. This is very important because it will define how you pay taxes, employees, etc. The most common structure for a one owner business is a sole proprietor. But this may not be the best option. It is important to review the alternatives a sole proprietor has to legally register his/her business so that they are able to better deal with the liabilities any structure brings with it. Depending on what structure you choose, you will have to register your business with your state. Registering certain structures incurs fees. For example, in Texas corporations, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability corporations each pay a $300 fee to register; check your state's website for exact fees.
A sole proprietor only pays $14 to register with the county clerk's office. Once your business is registered you will have to apply for a sales tax permit with your state (check your state's website). This will help you avoid having to pay sales tax twice, once when you buy your materials and again when you pay your state taxes.
Once you've chosen your structure, it is important to request an Employer Tax Identification Number from the Internal Revenue Service, any business that sells a product or service must have one. The ETIN is used to identify your business by entities such as Federal, State, Local, and other agencies the regulate businesses. These numbers are free, you DO NOT need to pay to get one; simply request one by completing the online form on the page. Certain types of businesses require licenses. For instance if you are opening up a restaurant you must have food handling permits, pre-opening inspections, and require all employees to obtain an individual license to handle food as well. Check your local and state licensing facilities for specific information pertaining to your business.
I cannot emphasize this enough! Keeping track of your income and expenses as you incur them will save you many headaches come tax time. Depending on your business structure there are certain tax regulations you must abide by in addition to your government taxes. As you are trying to decide what type of business structure you will adopt, you should also be looking at the different tax obligations each structure demands. Keeping track of your business shouldn't be a tedious task. If you set it up correctly at the beginning and you take some time to enter all of your receipts and invoices; this should be a breeze. The most common accounting software is Quickbooks. By no means am I promoting any of the brands I write about. They are simply stated here because I have tried them and I feel they may help you better manage your business. With that said, Quickbooks is the most popular by far BUT it is not the only one. If you are starting a new business the first thing you DON'T want to do is spend hundreds of dollars on an accounting system that is somewhat difficult to learn (very good but difficult to learn); nor do you want to spend the time of getting to know it just enough to effectively manage your business. There are plenty of free, yes, free accounting software programs out there. I've tried a few but have come to the realization that, I don't want to spend a day and a half a) learning a new system and b) entering receipts and trying to figure out if they are right or wrong.
Just recently I found one that is very easy to understand, simple to use, and offers free support. Oh, and did I mention it was free? It is! When I signed up for this cloud (online - no need to download a program and accessible anywhere you are!) based program I thought I was going to review it then delete my account as I had done with so many others. I was surprised at how easy it was to handle so I stayed. It was extremely easy to add invoices, expenses, and even link my business bank account to it so I didn't have to spend too much time on reconciliation. Within 10 minutes I was able to enter all of my invoices and expenses and see just how much my business was really working! The best part is that it comes with the ability to send your invoices via e-mail AND the system tells you if the vendor actually saw your invoice or not! No more "I didn't get your invoice, can you send it again!" The program is called Wave Accounting and is super easy to use, check out their tutorials! Like Wave Accounting, there are plenty of free accounting programs out there that you can use to help you manage your business more effectively. This one just happens to be one I use and really like.
There are plenty more things to do when starting a business and it could seem like an impossible feat especially if you don't know where to turn for help but I am here to assure you; you CAN do it! Set your mind to and never be ashamed to ask for help (this applies to everything you do), never say or think you "can't" do it, and always follow your instincts. Don't let fear prevent you from becoming the entrepreneur you are meant to be!
If you have any questions about starting a business, feel free to drop me a line or two; I will be glad to share with you the knowledge I have of running several successful businesses.
When it comes to starting your own business you just have to want it, come to think about it; this applies to everything you do or want. Check out all of the small businesses that have taken the first step on

Coping With Doubt When You're Building Your Business

By Liz Uram
Expert Author Liz UramAs I reflect on 2 years of business ownership, I remember what an emotional roller coaster I was on that first year. One minute I knew I was doing the right thing and the next minute I was full of doubt. I was on my knees praying a lot that first year. Those moments of doubt are fewer and further between now but they still come up from time to time so I wanted to share some of the ways I've learned to handle it.
1) Acknowledge your feeling and recognize it for the lie that it is. We were not created to feel less than and not good enough. When you start to feel this way remember that you were made with unique gifts and that you are perfect just the way you are. You must know that feelings of doubt are just that, a feeling and not the truth. Feelings of doubt rob us of the ability to be who we were meant to be and rob others of the gifts that we have for them.
2) Remember that this will pass. No feeling is forever so it helps if you don't fight it but take it for what it is, a bad feeling that will go away and life will go on as normal soon. This is a good time to slow down and take extra good care of yourself.
3) Surround yourself with others who are in the same situation. It can seem like you are all alone and the only feeling this way but I can guarantee you that you are not alone and that it is perfectly normal to experience these feelings. The key is to surround yourself with positive people who will help lift you up and not focus on the bad feelings but will help you find a solution. There is strength in building an army of supporters who know exactly how you are feeling and can help you see the truth.
Someone just posted a photo on Facebook this morning with the quote "I used to be afraid of people saying, "Who does she think she is?" Now I have the courage to stand and say, "This is who I am." - Oprah Winfrey. Even Oprah felt that way once! I bet once in a while she still might.
Beyond the suggestions above, keep taking the right actions consistently and repeatedly even if you don't feel inspired. Doubt wins when we stop taking the right actions. The best way to diminish doubt for good is to prove it wrong. So, my encouragement for you this week is that if you are feeling doubt you will acknowledge it, remember it will pass, talk to someone supportive and keep doing the next right thing. Remember, you can achieve whatever you believe as long as you are willing to work for it!
Want more clients but don't know how to get them? Struggling with what you should be doing to market your business? Instead of those old stories, imagine yourself as a master marketer with a system in place so you don't need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to marketing. Imagine knowing exactly why you're doing what you're doing and not relying on hope for results! Imagine no more wasting time and money on promises that don't come true. You can do it! Request your free eBook 5 Steps to Boost Your Business Now! at and find out exactly what you need to be doing to grow your business with your ideal clients!